Thursday, June 3, 2010

In exactly..

one week, I will be ending my junior year of high school and entering my senior year.
The fuck?
How did this happen..?
I mean, I didn't expect to live through this year, yet hear I am, one year closer to graduation.
Pretty fucking freaky.

I'm still waiting on my call back from Dairy Queen to see if I get the job, and knowing my luck, they'll call sometime next week, tell me to start the following week, and I'll be in Connecticut.

Yup, I get to visit my bestfriendforlife in Connecticut for the first time in oh, two and a half years. I'm, well, you could say that I'm a little excited. [:

Events in the last little while:
I went upstairs to shower last night and as I turned on my bedroom light, I saw something next to my bed. What is it, I wondered. Well, turns out, it's a fucking huge ass spider, bigger than the size of my fist, just hanging out next to my bed. The fuck it was doing in my room, I couldn't tell you. But UGH. It was absolutely disgusting.
My homeroom was flooded this morning, and I had to sit, with the rest of my class, in the little chairs the preschool class uses.
Umum. I think that is it.
Oh, chem final. it's done. I'm completely finished with chemistry for the rest of my high school career. Wait, that's a lie. I'm taking the subject test for chem and history. Blech.

Errrr. Yeah. I'm rambling now.
Hopefully this wasn't too absolutely boring.
