Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Last Post.

For now, as this period ends shortly.

I'm at a loss of what to do.
I can't reply to texts I've received.
I can't check Facebook to see what's going on.
I can't.Do.Anything.

I'm fearful of going insane at this point.
I was LOOKING FORWARD to going to school today, so that I could have contact with the outer world, for the first time in days. [with the exception of softball.]

Oh, yeah, we had a tournament this weekend.
Shit game on Friday, even shittier two games on Saturday, awesome game Sunday morning, then shit game in the afternoon.
That was my weekend.
I finished my labs, due Sunday at 12:00pm on Saturday at 11:45pm which was a success. On the first one, I received a 44.5/50, an 89%. I'm okay with that grade, it's better than what I usually get on lab reports.

If anyone who reads this wants to post an update on my status to itsDark here you go:

I got in trouble for well, texting in school, texting while in the bathroom, piercing my ear, breaking "every rule I was ever given", and I'm sure there was something else.. My punishment is indefinite, as always, and I have no idea when I'll be allowed to enter back into my normal life again.

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