Thursday, April 15, 2010


Everything's so topsy turvy and disjointed. Nothing fits right to mesh nicely together. Clashing corners collide rather than sit smooth and straight. With each word spoken, a piece of the puzzle is taken away; no longer an opportunity to fulfill its destiny to be whole.

Each piece chipped away falls and implodes on itself, reacting with every little molecule inside. However much want there is to save this small, minuscule particle, it is impossible. They slip between fingers and meet the ground, bonding with the previously disintegrated pieces.

Reality crashes away and molds into some unknown being. Nobody has seen Him before, now they can't escape his grasps. He holds tightly and his grip bruises. He causes pain upon their arms and their souls. Damaged permanently.

Humanity no longer conforms to the morals set by their ancestors. Twisted ideas create destruction in minds which previously skipped freely in fields of creativity and happiness.

What can be done to release the grip of this unknown being? How can we escape? How can we find our way back to the top? I don't know. I can try try try beg please hope that the puzzle can reform itself to the new circumstances but I can't do anything else. I can't. I try hope beg plead, but I can't. It's all up to this puzzle.

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